The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117294   Message #2530094
Posted By: heatherblether
02-Jan-09 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
Subject: RE: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
There is only one side committing mass murder in Gaza ...Israel.In the past few days alone 19 Palestinian children have been killed by Israel bombs and missiles fired from F16 warplanes and helicopter gunships.
I don't know how the Israeli media representatives can keep a straight face when they talk about targetting Hamas members and facilities.
Gaza is one of the most densely packed cities in the world built by Palestinian refugees from what is now Israel. Their homes and apartment blocks are being bombed and strafed by the most sophisticated US made killing machines in the world.
Streets, clinics and even a children's hospital have been attacked.
Some 2000 Gazans have been injured by shrapnel,collapsing walls,bomb blast etc
One young Downs Syndrome boy is now lying in a hospital with severe spinal injuries .His parents have been killed in the same explosion that injured him.
All this after a siege of Gaza which has lasted the best part of two years with goods and movement controlled and halted by Israel. Only a few days ago the Israeli attacked a small cabin cruiser bringing medical supplies from Cyprus to Gaza.The small boat was carrying international observers but was rammed and turned away although the attack was filmed.
Gaza is struggling to survive in ghetto like conditions with sewage flooding the streets,apartment blocks collapsed across roads and barely any power for lighting or heating.Needless to say the hospitals are also under attack and have barely survived the carnage being imposed by the Israeli war planners.
Major war crimes are being committed in Gaza and indeed across the whole of the occupied territories which are being illegally controlled and subdued by Israel. A test of the international law system is whether these criminals will be brought to trial and made to answer for the barbarism they continue to inflict on the million plus people living in Gaza.