The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117447   Message #2530276
Posted By: Skivee
03-Jan-09 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Best Worst Films
Subject: RE: BS: The Best Worst Films
Roger Corman's Attack Of the Crab Monsters
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair
Full of dumb crap, howling continuity errors, bad acting and really awful special effects.
Radioactive giant telepathic killer crabs do their worst to kill and eat a rescue party investigating the disappearence of a previous rescue party on an island that is crumbling into the sea at an alarming rate for no reason that's ever explained.
I particularly liked the "Naval Research Outpost" that is clearly a split level California beach house complete with bad wood paneling, cheap motel sofas, formica kitchenette, and 1950s fake oriental lamps.
At one point the rubber telepathic Mega-Crabs speak threateningly to our heroes throught the kitchen flatware. As they do, the actors stare at and listen intently for a looooooong time to aluminium forks and knives monologuing on the futility of resistance.
Later two guys vow to got out and rescue one of their lost companians, "as soon as this freaky weather lets up". An establishing shot scant seconds earlier has shown that it is a completely calm evening.
I've barely scratched the surface of this bucket of rotting crustasians.
Oh, also one of the cast is the Professor from Gilligan's Island.
Not quite an hour long, but well worth the rental. You will laugh your spleen out through your nose.