The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117294   Message #2530305
Posted By: heatherblether
03-Jan-09 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
Subject: RE: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
The BBC news website reported this morning that the american school in northern Gaza has been largely destroyed by the Israeli military and one person killed in the attack.
Would this have been a Hamas facility?

Far more likely is that the Israeli warplanners have deliberately planned to saturate Gaza with a variety of missiles ,shells and one tonne bombs as a form of overkill in order to break the will of the Palestinian population of Gaza.

They tried this terror tactic in the suburbs of Beirut and elsewhere in the Lebanon during its 2006 attack which cost the lives of thousands of civilians and destroyed much of the civilian infrastructure of that country.

The tactic failed then both in military and political terms and there is every possibility that it will fail in Gaza.

Israel is keeping the world's media out of Gaza but there are enough independent journalists inside the city for the world to see the appalling carnage being waged on its citizens. These pictures,videos etc are being shown across the world and there are growing protests at what is being perpetrated by the Israeli military machine there in a planned way.