The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117450   Message #2530355
Posted By: Andrez
03-Jan-09 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: Review: Australia, the movie. Ozcats?
Subject: RE: Review: Australia, the movie. Ozcats?
Buying into this thread from Big Micks initial query: "I would love to hear from my friends down under as to how this film is being received in Australia".

My 5 cents worth is that we enjoyed it pretty much as intended, in terms of light family entertainment. That said, I'm inclined to suggest that our overseas friends dont take it too seriously just enjoy the Kimberley scenery (god knows we did and still do), and the acting of Hugh and Nullah (Nicole didnt do too much for us).

Keep in mind that famous jewish saying: "Never mind the quality my boy, look at the width" when you see the film and you'll be spared from getting too carried away with it all.

Dont look for any real unstated depth or hidden meaning. There just isnt any. In that way the film Australia is little or no better than the Westerns that informed my childhood about the people, life and the history of the American West.

I'd suggest that if anyone wants to get a fair overview of the historical context of the film and a review and summary of the key issues, then a reasonable starting place is the commentary by Germaine Greer in Pip Radish's post above.



PS: On a more serious note, if anyone wants confirmation that little has changed in many respects for Australian Indigenous people, have a look at a newly released book called "The Tall Man" by Chloe Hooper. It tells the story of what happened to a resident of Palm Island (off the coast of Queensland) who wound up dead for swearing at a local policeman.

The Tall Man

Read Greers commentary and then have a look at this story. That should provide a bit more perspective too.

PPS: One thing I really do hate about the movie is the title! Could they think of nothing else?