The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117284   Message #2530413
Posted By: Ron Davies
03-Jan-09 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: homage to Rise Up Singing
Subject: RE: homage to Rise Up Singing
Fine. So let's have that "evidence"--that RUS use at folklore society singarounds "builds community".   That is the question.

Direct quotes please---not links.

And this is not "personal"--any defender of RUS use at singarounds is welcome to answer.

I can tell you that such use in the FSGW singaround has resulted in a huge dropoff in quality. And even people who still go to such meetings--like Bill D--confirm this.

But again, I am certainly not trying to suppress such use of RUS--by anybody who is content with that experience. I am just pointing out it does not "build community" in folklore societies.   And people who think it does are deluding themselves. Sorry if RUS advocates don't like that term.