The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117294   Message #2530438
Posted By: heatherblether
03-Jan-09 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
Subject: RE: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
Israel really does not want a peaceful and just settlement with the Palestinians.

It seeks the total capitulation of the Palestinians so that they can either be driven into further exile or live in small bantustans on the West Bank or in the overcrowded and heavily controlled and locked down refugee city of Gaza.

Israel has been in existence for 60 years. For 40 years Israel has illegally occupied the West Bank and controlled its indiginous Palestinian population.

In the 40 years of occupation successive governments have encouraged or allowed the building of paramilitary settlements on the occupied territories. These settlers have stolen land,intimidated and humiliated the Palestinian inhabitants and taken water supplies for their own use.The giant Apartheid Wall is only the latest aspect of this land grab.

The Israeli staTe has imprisoned large numbers of Palestinian males [and women and children ] often without trial and allegations of prison beatings,torture and maltreatment are rife.

The settling of hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens on the West Bank has made the whole notion of a just and lasting two state solution completely unworkable.Incidentally, many of these armed settlers come from Russia or the USA...and they have the chutzpah to tell the Palestinians to get out of their homes.

If the two state solution is unworkable then what about a one state solution?

The Israeli government would not even consider that idea for one minute because it would have to concede voting and civil rights to the Palestinian people which would lead to the end of the zionist state.

Instead Israel seeks to dehumanise the Palestinian people as if they have no human right to dignity or even life itself.What else explains its readiness to flatten apartment blocks with huge bombs and kill hundreds of civilians ?

These massacres and mass murders are not some by product of Israeli policy towards the Palestinians they are state policy.