The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117284   Message #2530472
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
03-Jan-09 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: homage to Rise Up Singing
Subject: RE: homage to Rise Up Singing
"And the better musicians--which are the foundations of any folk community-- are never content with RUS sessions."

No, "better musicians" are the foundations of a performing community. Folk music is sung in homes, at work and play. Folk music is not an exhibition, except since the "folk revival" where it was altered. The song circles that we are talking about found their roots then, and they continue to evolve. Yes, some now use books - hopefully not as the sole source. Hopefully people can begin singing without crutches again, but I pity those who feel a need to rally against it to satisfy some sort of issue they are having.

"So RUS "building community" is a complete canard."

Obviously your opinion has been shown to be false based on a number of posts and experiences shared on this thread.