The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117294   Message #2530751
Posted By: heatherblether
03-Jan-09 - 05:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
Subject: RE: BS: Waiting for protests... (Gaza)
It seems to that the Zionists on Mudcat do not like their pro Israeli stance being challenged in any way at all.

Mass murder is being committed by the Israeli state in Gaza and across the world Israel stands condemned.

But this mass murder is nothing new.Israel was founded on the massacre of Palestinians at places like Deir Yassin in 1948. It was founded on the forced expulsion of Palestinian people from their homeland.The people of Gaza and their parents and grandparents came originally from what is now Israel. Many probably came from the areas just to the north of Gaza.

Massacre,theft and ethnic cleansing has been the reality of the Palestinian experience.They have been bombed,murdered and assassinated not only in Gaza but in refugee camps like Sabra and Shatilla where that old killer Ariel Sharon [who went on to lead the state of Israel ] was held to be responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Palestinian women, children and old people at the hands of fascist death squads despite American gurantees that their lives woild be protected.

So the slaughter is nothing new for the Palestinians.What has changed is the image of "plucky little Israel".That has gone for ever.Gone for good.Now the world can see that it is little more than a terrorist state ,heavily armed with the latest US technology for killing large numbers of civilians .If it is not wrecking Lebanon it is flattening Gaza.

Innocent women and children and others are being killed and maimed in Gaza so that Israeli politicians can look macho when elections come by next month.

These are the truths that the defenders of Israel find hard to hear.

The media ,owned by big business, is on their side.Charlatans like Bush support Israel but increasingly alternative forms of independent media are revealing the truth about the horror unfolding in Gaza and the trail of slaughter that goes back to the earliest days of founding of Israel.