The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117474   Message #2530915
Posted By: Jeri
03-Jan-09 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Best Things to Do With Velveeta,...
Subject: RE: BS: Best Things to Do With Velveeta,...
My mother would be 88 if she were alive, and she cooked everything from scratch when I was younger. She was a kid during the depression and wasn't about to waste money on prepared foods. We even had a vegetable garden and she'd preserve what we didn't eat.

Guilty pleasure? You betcha! Love that Kraft Mac & Cheese with the powdered cheese. There's an all natural powdered cheese mac & cheese (Annie's), but it's really just mac and dehydrated cheddar, so you can't look at it the same way as Kraft. Once, I was going to a school and somebody had the bright idea to get some Wonder bread, some bologna and some American cheese (which is an American cheese-like substance in 'slice' form), and mayo. We had the ritual making of sandwiches (you had to do it just so) and feasting after class and it was wonderful.


...'scuse me. It isn't a spread. It comes in slabs and it's not meant for eating in chunks, not that I haven't done that. It's like eating chunks of cream cheese. Except cream cheese doesn't come in slabs. It's mostly cheese, and what isn't cheese is mostly milk, water and whey. There ARE a couple of preservative thingies thrown in, just so they can put it in the processed foods aisle I'd guess.