The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117488   Message #2531241
Posted By: katlaughing
04-Jan-09 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rules for Kittens in Mudcattery
Subject: RE: BS: Rules for Kittens in Mudcattery
Now that is one Rapaire post NOT to ignore!**bg** Good advice.

Re: modertors...we all used to be joe clones, as I said. As Max told me, recently, it is just a matter of semantics. We are all moderators and have the same tools at hand to help folks, etc. Max gave us the option of being public or not, so I don't think you will see any direct links to any of us. All it takes is a PM to any of us who are "out" including Joe, Jeri, Mick,and myself.

As for bios and such...Pene Azul, the fellow who has been Max's partner in Mudcat forever, has a 3D life which has taken over and precluded any additions to profiles, etc. That was several years ago. Nowadays with so many folks on Myspace, Facebook, etc. it's just as simple to include a link. I, personally, like that Mudcat is not part of the pack, i.e. different and seemingly antiquated...that's part of being a folkie, isn't it?**bg**

Finally, I have to say I know other people of different races/ethnicities/colour/minorities (which can include LBGT,)etc. who are members but do not define themselves by that. While I respect anyone's right to do so and to share their experiences, I don't think anyone should feel as though they have to come out, so to speak.