The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117474   Message #2531344
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
04-Jan-09 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Best Things to Do With Velveeta,...
Subject: RE: BS: Best Things to Do With Velveeta,...
I love Diet Coke...and Dairylea Cheese...the triangles of course, not that woossssssy stuff that you ladle out of a carton, that's for wimps and brussel sprout eating gorillas!

No..true cheesy eaters salivate for at least 30 minutes whilst trying to find the way in to the silver triangle of paradise.

You start off in one corner, as everything begins to ooze out, so you try another corner..and woops! here it comes you go for the third one..dribbling slightly now, as the hunger pangs and thoughts of the soft and slippery stuff almost start to overwhelm you.

FINALLY you locate the secret entrance, peel off your wrapper, claim your prize...and....



Who'dathought the process of processed could be quite so fulfilling!