The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22279   Message #253188
Posted By: GUEST,Filbert
06-Jul-00 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: English Tradition, part two
Subject: RE: English Tradition, part two
"It's about as intolerant, friend GUESTfilbert, as suggesting that a vistor takes their hat and coat off and sits down if they are planning to stay."

That is what one does in a Public 'House', isn't it?

As far as someone else using Filbert to sign in, I have no real problem with that. Filbert G, or whatever would be preferable to avoid confusion and the like, but other than that, I don't see any reason why he shouldn't. You see, I was not baptised with a GUEST, tag before my name, and calling someone 'GUESTfilbert' is as deliberate as it is bordering on the rascist.

"If you clock in as a member you can use all kinds of useful little gizmos built into the system, like being able to send Peronal Messages to peope saying you think they are a pillock or the best thing since sliced bread."

I have no desire to to do things like that, why should I? I could give you my E-mail address, if you would like, and you can tell me these things, if you want. It seems such a waste of time, though, as you don't seem to mind telling each other these things publicly. In fact, you make quite an art of it.

Taking that hypothesis to it's logical conclusion, the Forum would only serve as a reference point for all these Personal Messages. Or better still, perhaps, ALL correspondance would take place via E-mail and the Forum would then become redundant.
Remember also, McGrath of Harlow, that you were the one who suggested the idea of fighting. Why on earth would you suggest something like that? I certainly didn't 'imply' anything in my posts that I was ready to grab for a cyber base-ball bat. Stop searching for dragons where there are none.

But what has this got to do with English Tradition, apart from the obvious, of course?