The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22279   Message #253209
Posted By: GUEST,Filbert
06-Jul-00 - 11:12 PM
Thread Name: English Tradition, part two
Subject: RE: English Tradition, part two
What exactly is 'putting up', Malcolm?
Do you want to continue discussion on The English Tradition via E-mail?

Can you honestly say that your over-reaction, your desire to exclude me from this discussion is not due to your bruised ego; that preternatural defence mechanism we have when faced with things we don't like or agree with?

Part of the English tradition is the English psyche, Malcolm. And rolling up the sleeves while others hold your coat is proof that discussion has failed.

You are not a worthy opponent, Malcolm. You are letting your emotions take precedence, and exuding all the xenophobia that was seen and heard on the streets of Charleroi and Brussels.

Queensbury Rules on the cobblestones, then, is it?

Ah..... That's tradition for you!