The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117502   Message #2532354
Posted By: Tootler
05-Jan-09 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: Fly-drive Southern USA Sept 2009?
Subject: RE: Fly-drive Southern USA Sept 2009?
When I went to the States, I found driving very much less tiring than at home. Apart from round the big cities the roads are much quieter than here in the UK as well as being much wider which and straighter. We tended to do a long days drive then stay for a few days and look round. We had a medium sized Chevvy - I am not sure what model, but it was about the size of a Vectra and comfortable and easy to drive. Automatic transmission and cruise control helped. I know not everyone likes the latter, but it does allow you to move your legs from time to time which also helps reduce fatigue.

I will echo the comments about the sheer size of the USA and the scale of distances. We went to my nephews wedding in Detroit then basically did a circuit of Lake Erie visiting the Amish Country in Ohio and Niagara falls. When I looked where we had been on a map I was staggered just how little of the USA we had seen. Had a great time, though. Wonderful friendly people. We were made welcome everywhere we went.

Enjoy your holiday.
