The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115387   Message #2532412
Posted By: Kev The Clogs
05-Jan-09 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: Maybe Song Ssn Stoke N Kent Sun 28 Dec?
Subject: RE: Maybe Song Ssn Stoke N Kent Sun 28 Dec?
Hoff, the White Horse in Upper Stoke!!!???? Not heard anything on the grapevine - interesting!!!??

As for us (Dilligaf and I), we will NOT be at the next one as it is the Whitehall Parade in memory of King Charles I and we will be re enacting the funeral procession/route along with the rest of Sir Thomas Blackwell's Regiment of Foote et al.

With regards to the pub and the sessions - this was brought up at Essex Girl's party on Saturday night. I agree with you - it didn't feel welcoming at all. The landlord was bloody rude in not introducing himself or indicating that he was pleased. The locals didn't seem to give a toss. The barmaid tried her best to be friendly and keep locals in check. Looking back at the comments since - everyone has made positive comments, and/or negativ e comments in roughly equal ammounts. Give it the benefit of the doubt and do another one (having spoken to the landlord first) and THEN DECIDE if we are going to blow him out!!!! I thought you did a bloody good job in getting it all together!!! I was very sceptical about the whole event before it happened - some of what I thought, happened, some didn't - and I did start singing again (company, NOT the venue that did that though!!!! (thanks for the nice comments VT, KTSM, FE and RM)

Give it a go in Jan. If it goes Pete Tong, then there other venues that we can use and would be HAPPY for us to be there.
