The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22279   Message #253302
Posted By: Terry K
07-Jul-00 - 04:19 AM
Thread Name: English Tradition, part two
Subject: RE: English Tradition, part two
Well said Tracey (I mean about the immigration issue - I won't enter the petty little squabble that someone seems to want to perpetuate) - I have great concerns over the real motivation of many of the people who want to live here. It would be nice to believe that they only want to come to do honest jobs of work and to integrate with our richly diversified society, but I don't have the necessary rose tinted glasses.

My big concern over the Dover 58 is that no matter what their long-term intentions, the very first thing they planned to do in England was to break the law. Not a good start in my book. And if they didn't understand that to be smuggled in without papers was illegal, do we really believe they would readily integrate into a law-abiding society?

Surely, anyone expecting to come here to benefit from the advantages that this country has built over the centuries at least owes us the courtesy of letting us see whether they are likely to be suitable. Judging by past experience, the test is not very difficult to pass.
