The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117535   Message #2533563
Posted By: Ref
06-Jan-09 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: Oh My God, That's Dreadful!!!
Subject: RE: Oh My God, That's Dreadful!!!

This is just a minor outpouring of curmudgeonliness. (If that's not a word, it should be one, especially on THIS website!) I like the groups you've mentioned as well. I think the swipes at them were taken because of forays into experimentation that didn't meet with commenters' approval. Some I agree with, some I don't. Go over and take a look at the vitriolic "Homage to Rise up Singing" thread if you want to see some REAL holier-than-thou "pompous drivel."

I was just talking with my spouse who overheard me listening to Celtic Women. We agreed it would be better and probably lower ticket prices if the ladies would just come out on stage with a few (many fewer!) instruments and let their lovely voices carry the load. Maybe they make better money with the "Arena Celtic" shows, but none of it will be mine!