The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117547   Message #2534164
Posted By: GUEST,Son of Art
07-Jan-09 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Art is REALLY ticked off at AT&T !!!
Subject: Equal Technology Access
Time to tilt at windmills.
Sorry folks. Fever is back and I can't chew anything tougher than Wonder bread right now. Dr.'s appointment in the morning. Bear with delays in updates.


Started there and through a series of calls and searches have a call in to an agency called "Great Lakes Accessible Information Technology Initiative". They said they would call me back. We'll see. I know the game.

Specifically, I am looking for an advocacy agency with focus on technology access to disabled persons. With Dad's permission (which I haven't got yet) I have composed a draft of a letter I will send to AT&T and the management folks at his building. I have a cost comparison breakdown table and details on the situation. The whole letter is summed up in this paragraph:

"My parents are reliant on the semi-assisted living facility that is provided. However, due to their disabilities and reliance on this facility, they are denied access to broadband Internet service which is available to their neighbors across the street on all sides of the building and throughout the local area. Furthermore, to receive service equal to that which is available to non-disabled neighbors, they would be required to spend up to 10 times the amount their neighbors pay. Neither AT&T nor HUD have offered an alternative solution. I am sure that an equitable solution can be determined and look forward to discussing the details of this solution with you."

We'll see what's next. Stay tuned. Should be interesting.