The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117605   Message #2534322
Posted By: The Greyt Hound
07-Jan-09 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: Brother Crow on Radio Teesdale
Subject: Brother Crow on Radio Teesdale
Catch us on Radio Teesdale tomorrow morning (Thursday) from around 10:30ish - interview and playing live in the studio !!!

You can also see us later in the month at....

Tuesday 20th January 2009:
Doc Browns, Middlesbrough.
Supporting our goodfriend Barbara Helen's album launch, together with the fab Blind Summat.

Saturday 24th January 2009:
Kirkby Fleetham Folk Club, Black Horse, Kirkby Fleetham.

...where we'll be performing some new songs which may or may not include Dreams of Flight (the title track of the next CD to be released in the autumn of 2009), The Miller's Daughter, The Shoemaker's Wife (spot the theme), They Were Only Young Men, Fighting to Be Free, Between The Forest and the Shore, Resurection Dance and Once Their Were So Few.

Graeme's new piano and Andy's seven string acoustic guitar will also be featuring...

Happy New Year!

Brother Crow.