The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117488   Message #2534802
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
08-Jan-09 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rules for Kittens in Mudcattery
Subject: RE: BS: Rules for Kittens in Mudcattery
Is this where I can get my Mudcat Personna analyzed, or am I in the wrong thread?
Seriously, Virginia Plain or whatever you said your name was, don't get upset at the constant onslaught of invective and abuse that is our standard method of expressing affection at Mudcat. Many of us are actually prisoners in various institutions scattered throughout the country, and we while away the hours by reinventing ourselves as Trad Music afficianados on this site. Hell, I couldn't tell you the difference between Merle Travis and Travis Bickle.
Just as in our various prisons, certain "code phrases" are often used on this forum. To outsiders, rookies, and the innocent, when I tell Catspaw to "bite me in the ass, numbnuts", it may seem as though I disapprove of him. This is in fact NOT the case. What I'm actually communicating to him is "you are a great guy and I highly approve of you." Catspaw, in a maximum security prison in Southern Ohio, knows exactly what I mean, and may reply "go spit on your pecker and shove it in a light socket", which translates to "I hear you and reaffirm our friendship". Such exchanges are often confused with actual verbal abuse, which does in fact happen from time to time. Just a month ago, I told Amos, in his cell at San Quentin, to "take your attitude, fold it in the shape of a cowboy hat, and shove it up your ass". While I meant it literally, he took it as the password to launch his long-planned for tunnel escape, was apprehended in the act, and received another 7 years of hard time. So mistakes do happen.
The best advice I can give you, Virginia Slim, is keep your mouth shut, pay attention, and never indulge in ANY exchanges with Bobert, who is actually a serial molester being held in solitary in Wheeling State Prison.
Virginia, I'd like to conclude with good luck, welcome, and bite my ass, numbnuts. I think you'll like it here.