The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117488   Message #2535400
Posted By: PoppaGator
08-Jan-09 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rules for Kittens in Mudcattery
Subject: RE: BS: Rules for Kittens in Mudcattery
Leej ~ hilarious!


MY THREAD MY THREAD! No spats. Back to your corners gentleman or I put you in the alley.

I know you've already taken it back, VT, but the above reminded me of one of my pet peeves ~ people claiming ownership of a discussion just because they posted the first message. I had never taken that attitude, never even imagined such a thing, and when I first encountered it, I simply thought it was just plain wrong.

~ I feel free to say anything on any thread ~ even something potentially quite stupid ~ with absolutely no regard for who posted the first message.

~ When I start a thread, it's because I have a question, or something to say, that no one else was expressing that day. Whatever happens after that...well, whatever!

As far as posting, or asking about, lyrics that are already extant in the huge archive of Mudcat posts plus the DT ~ don't feel too guilty about it, and don't accept any blame. The "search" function doesn't always work as advertised, or at least it began malfunctioning a couple of years ago after The Big Crash.

I've encountered this problem, been chastised, complained back, and finally was advised to use the "filter" rather than the "search." At first I didn't catch on ~ what's a filter? But then I figured out that the filter is the box near the center of the top of the main forum page where you enter what you're looking for and then set the period of time you want to search (the last 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, etc., up to "All"). It's different from the search box at the upper left where you can check "Forum," "DT," or both (which is the search that may not always work as well as it should.)

The "filter" is for searching the forum only, not the DT, but when seeking a song title, there's usually some reference in some thread, somewhere, about any DT title you'd be interested in, and you'll almost always be referred to a message or two contining a link directly to the DT entry in question.