The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117535   Message #2535879
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
09-Jan-09 - 08:06 AM
Thread Name: Oh My God, That's Dreadful!!!
Subject: RE: Oh My God, That's Dreadful!!!
You know, 'Ruth', I've just been reading that "'Live' from Sidmouth thread" above. It actually brought a tear or two to my eyes. It's filled with happiness, and colours, and bright, bright things.

It's also filled with great memories, for me. Heck, I wrote it...and I *loved* writing it, every single one of those 15,000 words about it, I loved doing all of it. It wore me out that year, I remember, as I was reading it back. Dashing here and there, dashing home to look after my animals and Nanny, back down to town again..etc.etc..

When I got to the end of those words though, there was Diane, pouring cold water on the whole damn lot, and the arguments started. Why? Why can't you three just occasionally say something kind, huh? Everyone else enjoyed those words, apart from one other misery guts who 'had' to make a point about smileys...but nope, down swooped Diane The Dementor, sucking out all the joy and happiness. I truly don't understand.

I don't care if you've actually met each other. I know that Diane and Ralph are great pals, because she's told me. I truly don't care about all three of you any longer, full stop. I just think you come across as unhappy people, determined to belittle and put someone down who once loved 'your' music. Only the three of you know why that is.

Personally, I'd recommend that you read those words on Sidmouth, that were written during the first Folk Week, then stop niggling away at me and try turning your attentions to ensuring that this year's Sidmouth folk week is as outstanding as the first one was, or perhaps, even more so. I'd have far more respect for you if you did that.

It's obvious, for those who choose to see, that the same gang of people are the ones constantly on my back about the same subject, because your names, along with your words, are on various boards. It truly ain't hard to work out. Personally, I'd have preferred to pm Ralph, but as he always posts on here as a 'Guest' I can't do that.

Read the Sidmouth review though, and see a very 'different' Ralph, one who enjoyed me talking about his band, who enjoyed the Sidmouth review and who enjoyed talking about his music, as he has done once more, on this thread. For some reason that all changed, at least, in relation to me. I wish it hadn't, but there ya go. I'd always got on well with Ralph, as those threads show, giving mention of his band whenever I could, trying to draw people in to their music, and whether you like it or not, I did do that. I've done it for others too, and I'm always pleased when it happens, because I write for that very reason, to tell people about artists whose music I love, in the hope that they too will buy the CDs, help to spread the word.

For some reason, you and a few others have always resented me talking about 'your' music, loving it in the way I once did. Well, now you don't have to worry any longer. There'll be no more reports on Sidmouth from me, so unless you or your friends decide to pick up from where I left off, which I think would be a good idea, all will be quiet on the Sidmouth front, save for a few personal messages swapped back and forth between you all.

And now, I'll leave you three to continue to welcome Rosie to 'your' world.

I hope she discovers much beautiful music along the way, and I also hope she decides never to take part in what the three of you, and your mates, persist in doing.   I am not a victim, never have been, never will be, but I am sorely p*ssed off with no longer being able to write on the BBC about a music I so loved, purely because of petty minded, spiteful, jealous, controlling little minds, who refused to let me just write in my own way about something which was once so important to me. Those minds, even to this day, take satisfaction in getting any new posts from me, removed from the BBC board, completely overlooking the fact that what they are doing is removing words about artists, about music, with links to the pages of those musicians, for others to find and love. No, such is the meaness of spirit, and their perverse hatred of me, that they care not a fig for musicians, not a fig that not nearly enough people write about musicians on that board, as they're too damned busy writing drivel about themselves, which is of no interest to anyone.

And before you come back to me with the usual screams of how artists hide in corners, shivering in fright that I may write about them, you and I know that isn't true. I've been sent many CDs over the years by artists themselves. Go figure. You know well that friends of yours have sent me tickets for festivals. Go figure. Sorry kiddo, I can sell CDs with my enthusiasm, so *just* get over it, and in the past, I've worked damn hard at doing exactly that, not for me, but for musicians.

I'm sorely p*ssed off at the way you, Diane and Ralph have either misquoted or twisted my words in here, to try and make people see me in a bad light, yet again.

In short, just get over it, and move on. Move on to keeping Sidmouth safe for other generations to enjoy.

And now, I'm off to listen to some more music, which for me, is almost beyond beauty, the wonderful Loreena McKennitt again, her 'Mask and the Mirror'CD....and from that CD, here is, imo, the very beautiful and moving:

Mystic's Dream

And I'll leave you with these final words, taken from above..

From Diane:

"Dreadful is perhaps too impassioned a word to use about McKennit-Enya-like tosh."

From me:

"What I can't stand is arrogant viewpoints that 'we' are so much better than 'them', because 'we' know all about proper 'traditional' music.