The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2535931
Posted By: Nickhere
09-Jan-09 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Oh Dear. Just catching up on news after switching off TV / computer for most of the holiday season. What a horrible mess.

My tuppence worth -

BBruce, I want to make one or two observations on your cut n' paste from Al Jazeera.

1) you will note that it was Islamic jihad and not Hamas, who broke the truce. Everyone here keeps rattling on about Hamas. Even Israel says it's 'after Hamas' - well I suppose we live in an era of brand-recognition.

2) there seems to be some confusion in the reporting: on the one hand it states Israel launched an air-strike against a rocket-launching group, no reports of any casualties. Then a line down, Israel launched an airstrike = 1 dead Palestinian

3) Tel Aviv said it wouldn't take any military action unless attacks continued (showing benevolent restraint) but a line later "in Israeli airstrikes" (isn't firing missiles / dropping bombs from planes considered a military action anymore? Then what the hell is?)

Anyway, here's another cut and paste by an Israeli guy who served in the Israeli army for a number of years but has a problem with what's going on at the moment:

"How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe

Oxford professor of international relations Avi Shlaim served in the
Israeli army and has never questioned the state's legitimacy. But
its merciless assault on Gaza has led him to devastating conclusions"

And here's the link:

Avi Shalim on Gaza in Guardian

Ok, that's my tuppence, I'll leave the rest to the experts