The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2536137
Posted By: GUEST,Confused
09-Jan-09 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
I can't say that I've followed all this thread & I can only comment on what I've seen on the news etc., but while I understand that there have been lots of problems on both sides & lots of people think that Israel shouldn't exist for whatever reason, why is Israel being villified for trying to defend their own land? If I've read it right then it was people in Gaza who were sending rockets into Israel onto civilians first and broke the ceasfire, or am I wrong? When I've watched the news it appears to me that it's only certain targets that are being hit within Gaza, far from the wholesale destruction that some people on here are saying. Dreadful to slaughter innocent women & chidren I agree, and yes they should be given care etc. but if the people in Gaza are a fighting force why do they have to hide in people's homes, why not sort themselves out into a proper army & organise the defence of their territory? Surely if the other nations roundabout helped out then they could have a proper military force? After all if other countries like the US help Israel, then why don't countries who sympathise with the Gazans help to organise a proper military force?

The other things that I really don't understand is why are Israel allowed to get away with destroying things like fishing boats that people in Gaza own? Also is there no infrastructure of their own in Gaza? Do they need aid all the time or is it just during this crisis, because I seem to recall hearing a lot about aid for them before. Do they not have their own industries etc? Also why does the aid & medical help have to go through Israel. Isn't there a border with Egypt, or did I imagine that?