The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2536139
Posted By: GUEST,Guest Teribus
09-Jan-09 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
"….the blanket bombing of so many innocent." – Barry Finn

Any idea of what "blanket bombing" is Barry? If so please provide details of any sortie flown by IDF pilots that would fit the description. After 14 days fighting in an area of high population density the toll on the civilian population stands at 0.04% of the population – Doesn't look like "blanket bombing" to me.

"The Israeli war leaders have gone all out to pulverise a city full of civilians and have used the full range of heavy bombs, tank shells, phospherous bombs, naval guns and missiles to terrorise and kill the residents of Gaza.The reports coming out of Gaza are horrific!" – Ifor

If what you state there were true, have you any idea of what that would actually look like ifor? Take a look at the town of Wesel after three days of what you describe -

During World War II, Wesel became a target of the Allies particularly in its capacity as a strategic depot. On the 16, 17 and 19 February 1945, the town was attacked with impact and air-burst weapons and almost entirely destroyed.