The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2536313
Posted By: pdq
09-Jan-09 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
" there no infrastructure of their own in Gaza? Do they need aid all the time or is it just during this crisis, because I seem to recall hearing a lot about aid for them before. Do they not have their own industries etc? Also why does the aid & medical help have to go through Israel. Isn't there a border with Egypt, or did I imagine that?"

Well, the goverment of Gaza is now Hamas and they want rockets, bombs and munitions more than they want food.

There is no way that a population of 1.5 million can feed itself in an area the size of Gaza. The problem is the farm land that once supported 200 thousand now sports housing for much of the 1.5 million Arabs who live there. In 1970 the birth rate in Gaza was 9 live births per adult female. Perhaps the highest in modern history. Even the worst case in recent years, Kenya, was 8 live births per female. Gazans have the philosophy of "conquest by numbers".

Yes, aid can come from Egypt as easily as it can come from Egypt, but the government does not want to deal with these militant ****urds anymore than the rest of of the civilized world does.

As far as jobs and industry, why work? They are told on a daily basis that the wealth of the Jew will be theirs when Israel is defeated. They also believe that oil revenue is the birth right of all Arabs, which they are. Yes, Gaza is 99.4% Arab. Plain old garden variety Arab.