The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117535   Message #2536358
Posted By: Phil Edwards
09-Jan-09 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: Oh My God, That's Dreadful!!!
Subject: RE: Oh My God, That's Dreadful!!!
"Noreen, I wasn't *quoting* anyone at all, I was merely saying that is what the general opinion seemed to be.
Thank you for quoting my words correctly though, it makes a welcome change."

Well, I object most strongly to Lizzie's assertion that everyone who doesn't like Cliff Richard is a tight-arsed tone-deaf snob with a Geordie accent, a wooden leg and a third nipple. Of course, I'm not quoting Lizzie here, but that's what her general opinion seems to be. Those are NOT the actual words used, but it's up there in her comments, somewhere. One helluva lot to trawl through, but you'll find them.

yup, I write a lot, in a short space of time too, I ramble on, and I openly admit it.

Lizzie, you write too much. Much, much, much too much. You swamp the thread. You drive people away. It's boring. Even if I agreed with every word you wrote, I would want you to shut up.