The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2536872
Posted By: Teribus
10-Jan-09 - 04:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
"Firing of inaccurate rockets is not a very efficient way of killing civilians. Delivering the explosives through suicide bombers, or for that matter IRA style non-suicide bombers, is a lot more efficient if that is the aim. So it seems unlikely that that is what Hamas has being doing." - MGOH

Em Kevin, the Israeli's stopped Hamas and other Islamist/Palestinian Terrorist organisations from carrying out suicide bombings, car bombings and sniper attacks by building a wall and closing/closely controlling crossing points. Hamas and other groups operating without restriction within Gaza then started indiscriminately firing rockets, both home-made (Kassam's), or as supplied by Iran (Grad's), into Israel. Those rockets are deliberately directed at centres of civilian inhabitation and the intention is to kill Israeli citizens, whether they be Jew, Christian or Muslim. The fact that they, Hamas et al, haven't been outstandingly successful is not from the want of trying. Numbers of casualties in those areas have been slight because the Israeli citizens in the areas affected are blessed with the presence of responsible government and have been provided with an efficient warning system to alert the population at large and suitable shelters that are easy to access and numerous. While Israel does its best to keep civilians out of harms way, Hamas as the governing body in Gaza does exactly the opposite.

1. Officially recognise Israel's right to exist and live in peace with its neighbours.

2. Officially recognise the right to life of Israeli citizens free from attack or threat of attack.

3. Halt the launching of attacks upon Israel and its citizens

Do that and you have peace tomorrow. After 60 years it's high time somebody tried it.