The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2537863
Posted By: Teribus
12-Jan-09 - 01:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Hamas – The Elected "Government" of Gaza

Hamas deploys suicide attackers including women and children, and rigs up schools and houses with booby-trap explosives. Its leaders knew as a matter of certainty this would lead to civilian casualties if there was a ground battle. Virtually every aspect of its operations is illegal under international humanitarian law – Yet the accusation of 'war crimes' in charged and highly emotive language is reserved solely for condemnation of Israeli actions.

If the IDF had no regard for civilian lives it would never have leafleted and telephoned residents in Gaza, warning them when it was about to attack their area: after all, that also gives Hamas notice – hardly the act of an army devoted to military victory at all costs. Similarly, the IDF's unilateral commitment to a daily three-hour ceasefire to permit the evacuation (to Israel) of casualties, and for the passage of "humanitarian aid", also allows Hamas time to regroup and redeploy for future attacks.

Of course, none of these arguments can penetrate the brains of the superannuated Stalinists, vicarious jihadists and attention-seeking actors and pop stars who think it's cool to go on marches chanting, "We are all Hamas now". Even if these luvvies might not be aware that on Christmas Eve Hamas legalised crucifixion as a punishment for those who "weaken the spirit of the people", and have been shooting such political enemies in the head when they find them in hospitals conveniently injured by Israeli bombing raids, they still deserve to be dismissed as useful idiots for Hamas, who although elected to govern and look to the interests of the population of Gaza as a whole, have shown no interest in fulfilling either function.

Of course should there ever be future elections in Gaza, the world press will clamour to cover exactly how Hamas apply their new punishment for those found weakening the spirit of "the people" and on whom they exercise this punishment. Perhaps all those superannuated Stalinists, vicarious jihadists and attention-seeking actors and pop stars, who are "all Hamas now" will pop out to Gaza to lend a hand?

Many years ago now Israel swapped land for peace with Egypt and with Jordan. Both those countries in return recognised Israel's right to exist and the agreements have held. Hamas, Fatah and the PLO have broken, or voluntarily ended, cease-fire after cease-fire. As pointed out there have been no attacks from or on the West Bank, where Fatah and the PA are slowly coming to the conclusion that there is nothing to be gained in attacking Israel. Hamas must renounce the sections of its charter that call for the destruction of Israel and death to the Jews, because until that is done there is no basis for negotiation - Both sides are on record, Israel wants peace, Hamas just wants a "cease-fire", or a truce - until they are ready for the next time - That approach serves nobody, least of all the "Palestinian" people, high time they themselves realised that.