The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2538170
Posted By: Nickhere
12-Jan-09 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
BBruce - I don't think you can really say the PA is in charge of the West Bank in any meaningful sense. The Israeli army and Israeli colonists are the ones mainly in charge of what goes on in the West Bank, and the PA is allowed to get on with the job of pretending to be a country as long as it doesn't get in the way of anything the former two decide. The PA have probably realised that nothing is to be gained from attacking Israel, correct. But all this proves is 'might is right' and does not make the colonization of the West Bank moral or correct.

Not so long ago Hamas was trying to form part of a delegation with Fatah to negotiate a peace with Israel, including the point repeatedly mentioned, Israel's being there. By trying to involve themselves in this delegation Hamas were de facto saying they accepted the reality of the situation, whether they liked it or not ebing another matter. Israel rejected any delegation containing Hamas ensuring both sides returned to what they know best.

But in that instance it was Israel that slapped away the hand of peace (or non-war, at any rate, if peace is too strong a word).

It wouldn't really make a difference though if Hamas changed its charter, There are enough disaffected individuals out there for new organisations to spring up as old ones are deemed to have 'gone soft' (Palestinian politicians suffer from the same problems as Israeli ones, reference to further back this thread) and thus to ensure Israeli hardliners always had an excuse to bombard civilian and militant alike and make things so unpleasant that eventually people will take the advice on the leaflets dropped ("Flee! Flee for your lives!") and leave, leaving the area open to annexation again. As long as there's ONE palestinian throwing as much as a hand grenade across the border, the military guys will have all the excuse they need.

The cycle of violence will breed more violence, ensuring no end to the bloodshed. Israel built up radical Isalmist organistaions when they were useful in bringing down the PLO. Then in turn Fatah was used to undermine Hamas, and if Hamas were to change tack they'd be used in the same way. It's divide and conquer, and we've had enough experience of it here to know it when we see it.

Sort out the root issues and most of the problems will cease. 1967 Borders? 1923 borders? What about 1948 borders, even?

Israel could go back inside the Green Line, evacuate its colonies on the West Bank (they could leave the houses intact and good condition as a goodwill gesture to the Palestinians on whose land they're built).