The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2538239
Posted By: GUEST,guest ifor
12-Jan-09 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Date: 12 Jan 09 - 02:10 AM

I think Robomatic is quite right to describe Israel as a "dictatorial terrorist regime which rules by terror inside and out".

It has been slaughtering Palestinian civilians for decades at countless half forgotten massacre sites from Deir Yassin to Qana ,from the Beirut refugee camps to Gaza.

In addition it has stolen Palestinian land,grubbed up Palestinian orchard groves and olive trees and corralled Palestinians into ever tighter parcels of land on the West Bank.

It has destroyed mosques and universities and imprisoned ,often without trial, large numbers of Palestinan men women and children.

The Israeli state has demolished tens of thousands of Palestinian houses with armoured bulldozers sometimes with the occupants either still inside or scrabbling to get out with their possessions. The Israeli military have gone on a ghastly,horrific killing spree in Gaza but for years they have been killing Palestinian with those rubber coated bullets.They have used assassination squads to shoot down "militants" and guided missiles to kill their enemies and a few other civilians at the same time.

Israel is a state that is illegally occupying land that is has no legal right to.It has settled on that land...the West Bank...armed paramilitary thugs and their families who were often born outside Israel.These armed thugs have terrorised and humiliated and attacked the Palestinians they live among with impunity.

Palestinians are kept waiting at checkpoints for considerable amounts of time..often hours .Sometimes they have no freedom of movement at all.Palestinian mothers to be have died at checkpoints waiting for medical treatment and scores of Palestinian patients were not allowed to leave Gaza even before the current slaughter .They died for want of an Israeli exit permit.

Israel is a terrorist state ,founded on the theft of an entire land from its Palestinian inhabitants.

Of course those Palestinians who fled to places like Gaza to escape the Israeli military have no right of return to their homeland under any proposal offered by Israel.

The Israeli military is slaughtering away right now but Gaza is a city of about a million and a half people.It has flattened great chunks of the city with its huge bombs and used white phospherous shells against the civilian population .There are reports emerging that the USA is chartering a vessel to move extra ammo and bombs from depots in Greece to Israel.How considerate of Washington!

But what happens when the Israelis get exhausted by the killing ,when those young men are tired of wading through the bood of babies and teenagers??

Gaza will still be there unless the Israelis plan to kill them all .And what sort of rights do the Israeli envisage Palestinians will have in the occupied territories,Jerusalem,the West Bank and Gaza? I think it will as Robomatic says more "terror inside and out". ifor

Someone wrote today that this is probably the only war in history where one side consists of mainly unarmed civilians who are penned in quite a small area and who are not allowed out beyond the guarded perimeter. They are told to flee by leaflets dropping from the air but there is nowhere to escape to.

Every day in this war they are being pounded by high explosives from land,sea and air. Chemical warfare is being waged via white phospherous shells fired by the Israeli military. Much of the equipment it uses is supplied either directly by the USA or under licence in Israel.Bush is an accomplice to war crimes.

The hospitals which are coping with some 4000 casualties suffering horrific injuries including limb amputations are totally overloaded.4000 casualties in such a short period of time would test the most sophisticated of hospital systems but Gaza has been starved of basic equipment ,finance and support services for years under the Israeli blockade.

Hundreds of the dead are children. Many of these children are babies and infants.

Whole family groups have be exterminated by young Israeli pilots , artillerymen and tank crews firing into one of the most densely packed cities in the world.

Gaza is a city built by refugees from other,earlier land grabs and massacres.

I don't think it is going to work out as planned by the Israelis. They can pulverise the city [they have done it before in Beirut several times : 1982 and 2006 springs to mind], they can slaughter civilians in large numbers [ Sabra and Shatilla ] but Israel is finding it harder and harder to win any war. Israel may well find itself having to control the ruins of Gaza with its million plus population seething with hatred and anger at what has been done to them. And sooner or later it will have to get out just as it had to run from Lebanese soil.

I want to know from the Zionists what rights do Palestinians have under the Israeli jackboot? Apart from the right to be blown up or starved or imprisoned without trial?? They are not going away.