The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2538754
Posted By: GUEST,guest ifor
13-Jan-09 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Somebody in the Israeli Defence Force must be having us all on!

The Israeli military has spent three weeks blowing up women and children and many other innocent casualties.

The shells,bombs and high velocity round have decapitated ,dismembered and crushed hundreds and thousands of totally innocent babies,infants,young children and teenagers not forgetting young mothers and the elderly. The Israelis ,of course, regard any able bodied male over the age of about 14 as fair game for the shoot.The Israeli military has also been waging chemical warfare and there are many who have suffered hideous burns from the phospherous shells and bombs.

After this mass maiming and killing, the Israelis have very kindly announced it is considering setting up a field hospital in Gaza. I am sure the survivors and the wounded will be very grateful and will make their appreciation known to the Israeli medics and their guards if and when the field hospial is set up!

Oh, and Christian Aid announced today that the Israelis have destroyed a primary health care clinic run by a coalition of christian churches in the city.Luckily, the clinic was empty because again, very kindly, the Israeli military warned the clinic staff and patients to get out in advance of the shelling.

The clinic, which included a dispensary, dealt mainly with moms and their babies and had worked to ensure that despite the economic blockade palestinian mothers would have some basic healthcare for themselves and their children.It was an EEC funded facility.

I wonder how the Israeli are going to look after the housing,health and basic survival needs of the survivors if and when they take over the city which now looks like the chechen capital of Grozny.

4000 maimed palestinians will need medical care for a very long time and it may be that the Israelis will need more than a field hospial and a couple of MASH type tents to do that job.

It is far more likely that having smashed up the city the Israeli will leave firing their missiles behind them as they pull out.