The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2538952
13-Jan-09 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
There are voices in Israel and amongst the wider Jewish community which have spoken out and demonstrated against the atrocities being committed by the IDF in Gaza.

Are these Jewish anti war people anti semitic or is that a convenient accusation against those who are opposed to the mass slaughter of civilians in Gaza in particular ,and the disastrous policies of the Israeli State against the Palestinians in general?

Guest Hugo above quotes the Israeli writer Uri Avnery of describing the Israeli warleader as having a "sociopathic disorder" and from the sight of those monster bombs exploding in Gaza today it must be impossible to disagree with that description.

Norman Finkelstein, whose parents were concentration camps survivors, is equally scathing about the horrors being inflicted by the Israeli leaders against the residents of Gaza.

Those huge bombs must have killed or maimed many civilians .They looked to have the power of a small nuclear bomb! Anyone who ordered their use in a overcrowded dying city must be a sick war criminal.

It is clear that a bunch of killers are now at the helm of the Israeli state . They have unleashed death and destruction on an industrial scale against the Palestinians...this after throttling the city for the past two years.

"..Israel has not the slightest interest in causing casualties" writes one supporter of Israel .

When are you going to stop excusing these psychokillers who are murdering and maiming by the hundreds in Gaza?

Some 4000 people,overwhelmingly civilian and including many children have been maimed or broken by these bombs and shells and there is the "stench" that is spreading from Gaza.... and Tel Aviv!
