The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2539040
Posted By: GUEST, guest ifor
13-Jan-09 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
"Two Israeli arab political parties have been banned from next month's election because they are oppsed to the attack on Gaza".

C Ham says the statement is a lie ...but the fact is it is true.

The full story can be read on the BBC News website but essentially both Balad and the UAL ,two democratic parties have been barred from next month's elections to the Israeli Knesset.

The move to ban both these Arab parties was led by two ultra nationalist Israeli parties called the National Union and Israel Beitein.These parties certainly did not want representatives from the Israeli Arab electorate standing in the Knesset next month and charging the state of Israel with war crimes in front of the world's cameras.

Both Israeli Arab parties have called for Israel to become a proper functioning democracy with full democratic rights for all its citizens but this conflicts with the Zionist policy of a theocratic Israel.Hence the banning!

Israeli Arabs are second class citizens in Israel and their political representatives are treated with a mixture of loathing and disdain.

It is true there have been several large Israeli Arab protests against the war...protest supported by anti war Israelis and of course the warcriminals directing Israel's slaughter in Gaza would be very angry at anti war protests coming from inside Israel itself. again, hence the banning.