The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114691   Message #2539259
Posted By: Joe_F
13-Jan-09 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: Favourite Phrases in Songs
Subject: RE: Favourite Phrases in Songs
Well, if we're going to have Burns, then:

But whilst with both hands I can hold the glass steady

The man of independent mind,
He looks and laughs at a' that.

'And sh---, ye bitch,' the echoes' roar'd
Lincluden wa's amang.
(-- "Grim Grizzle", which it seems has not been set to music, tho it ought to be. Lincluden is a church, whose ruins are extant, in case anyone wants to repeat the experiment.)


The sun shines owre the westlin hills by the lamplicht o the moon
-- Eppie Morrie