The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117757   Message #2539354
Posted By: JohnInKansas
14-Jan-09 - 01:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Any 'catters going to Presidents Inauguration?
Subject: RE: BS: Any 'catters going to Presidents Inauguration?
We received a very impressive looking Invitation to the Inauguration in the snail mail today. Immaculately printed on very heavy simulated parchement, with an accompanying letter on thinner - but still excellent quality - paper. The source was identified as "The Presidential Inauguration Committee," which sounds quite authentic but is not any unique organization recognized by Google.

I'm not sure why they thought we needed an invitation to "The Inauguration" since that's an open-to-the-public thing, and they didn't mention anything about tickets to the associated events that do require that you purchase tickets, or that you receive an invitation that includes a "pass."

But there was a small pamphlet indentifying several "Inauguration Memoriabilia" items that are available, with a website where we were informed that we could purchase them.

I didn't check the prices.
