The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2539400
Posted By: GUEST,ifor
14-Jan-09 - 04:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
If the elected government is "the murderous Hamas regime" then it surely is an apprentice one.

Its master must be the Israeli regime next door which has murdered tens of thousands over the past few decades.

Almost all the atrocities and destruction we have seen happen in Gaza have been done by Israel in the recent or fairly recent past.

The mass bombing with shells,missiles and huge bombs? Tick! Done it before in Lebanon 2006 and 1982.

The slaughtering of defenceless refugees in their camps?Tick! Thousands murdered under the direction of that old killer Ariel Sharon in Sabra and Shatilla [Beirut ] in 1982.

The bombing of refugees in United Nations facilities ? Tick.The Israeli airforce killed almost a hundred Palestinian women and children at Qana in 2006.

The expulsion of refugees from their home? Tick ! Around 750000 Palestinians from their homes and land in the Nakba of 1948.They have never ben allowed to return .Some of these are now being terrorised in Gaza .

The destruction of Universities,clinics and hospitals?Tick!The Israeli bombing of Lebanon's infrastructure in 2006 killed and mutilated thousandsof Lebanese civilians.

The use of assassination squads on the West Bank in recent years is a reminder that the Zionists came to power having hung two British soldiers on wire hooks to remind the British to get out of Palestine. The present Foreign Minister's father was a member of the terrorist Stern Gang that did it share of the killing back in 1948.

The list goes on but Israel can accurately be described as a murderous regime that specialises in the mass murder , humiliation and intimidation of the Palestinian people.

However,as it wades through a river of gore in Gaza things are going wrong for the killing machine.

As the Jewish socialist writer Isaac Deutscher wrote about Israel warned towards the end of his life in the late 1960s
"You have become the Prussians of the Middle East.Be careful you may triumph yourself to death">