The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117785   Message #2539574
Posted By: Azizi
14-Jan-09 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: Black Church Services
Subject: RE: Black Church Services
One feature of traditional African American churches that appears to have received very little attention in online discussions, is the practice of choir {and other group} processionals.

The processional occurs at the beginning of a church service. The choir {or a particular church group honored at that particular service} walks or marches down the center aisle of the church. This marks the formal beginning of the church service.

Immediately prior to the beginning of the church processional, the congregation stands, and faces forward. The congregation can sing along with the choir. However, they cannot join the processional.

Here is "A traditional baptist church standard: the choir procession. This is the Second Free Mission Baptist Church Mass Choir in 1994 in New Orleans, LA."

Sunday Morning Baptist Church Choir Processional


Usually the choir sings as they "march" into the worship area. However, a processional can be done to live, instrumental music only.

Here's an example of a single file processional to organ music with no singing until the entire choir gets to the choir stand. The processional is done to "The Battle Hymn of The Republic"

New Hope Baptist Church Choir March In