The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117785   Message #2539581
Posted By: Azizi
14-Jan-09 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: Black Church Services
Subject: RE: Black Church Services
Continuation of comments about Black Church Processionals:

Sometimes the church processionals is done in single file, but often the choir or church group marches into the worship area in pairs. The choir usually marches to their seats which are typically behind the pastor/s who sit on a podium. When a church group marches into the worship service, they usually are seated in front row seats behind the deacons and/or the deaconess.*

If there are two entrances to the choir seats when they near that podium, as they continue marching and singing, one choir member moves to the left up to the choir stand while the other member of that pair moves to the right up to the choir stand.

First Baptist Church Men & Women's Day March In

[This processional appears to be done by the women's group during the church's men and women's day service]


At least at my home church, at the end of the church service, the pastor/s, followed by the deacons, who are followed by the deaconess, who are followed by the choir/s, walk in pairs down the center aisle in time to a congregational song.

In the church I attended as a child/teen in Atlantic City, New Jersey and which I still attend when I go home to visit my family, there is a fixed order to the exit from the church service:

The pastor is joined by his wife, who is seated in the third row of the church behind the deacons. Then come the other pastor/s in pairs or paired by the head deacon. Then come the other deacons in pairs. The deacons are followed by pairs of deaconness, who are followed by pairs of choir members. Then starting from the front, the congregation leaves the church room though not only by way of the center aisle.

In "my" church, the deaconess are usually married to a deacon. Deaconness sit in the front rows on the right hand side, and the deacons sit in the front rows, on the left hand side of the church. The two head deacons sit on the side of the church in the front. Only the church pastors and any invited guests pastors sit on the podium.]

In my opinion, the exit from the church service doesn't have the same "pagentry" that the processional does {at least at my home church-with home church meaning the church I grew up in. I'm not a church goer where I live so I can't give first hand information about the church services here.

However, my daughter is a member of a very large Black Baptist church in Pittsburgh, PA. She told me that the choirs are seated behind the pastor at the beginning of the church services. They don't do processionals or end of church service exit marches.