The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117785   Message #2539599
Posted By: Azizi
14-Jan-09 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: Black Church Services
Subject: RE: Black Church Services
On two occassions within the last two years at my church in New Jersey, I had the pleasure of seeing a choir processional that was led by an older man. I believe this man is a church usher, but I'm not sure about that.

This man led the paired choir members down the center aisle. he didn't march, but strutted like the lead drum major in a parade, but without any baton or anything else in his hands. While the choir members sang behind him, this man was silent. When the choir members moved up behind the pastor to stand in front of their seats, this processional leader remained standing in front of the offering table that was placed directly below the pastor's podium. The processional leader stood in place, but still moved to the rhythm of the song, beaming his pride and his joy.

I should mention that this man was not tall, or well built or otherwise physically impressive looking. Yet in those moments, he definitely looked impressive.

The last time I visited my home church, when that same processional leader passed where I was standing, he caught me smiling at him.,and nodded his head at me as if to say "Yes, isn't this great". And then he kept on struttin down the aisle.

I think this man knew that he was carrying on a very old tradition, one that could probably be traced all the way back to African religious and secular processionals. Long may they continue!