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Thread #115883   Message #2539821
Posted By: beardedbruce
14-Jan-09 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Wall Street Dominates List of Inaugural Donors
Posted Jan 9, 09 1:30 PM CST in Business, Politics
(Newser) – Private donations to defray the cost of Barack Obama's inauguration festivities total $27.3 million—and large donors, including Wall Street executives flush with bailout cash, chipped in $24.8 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. That runs counter to the vow to remain independent of special interests that led the president-elect to ban corporations from funding the Jan. 20 ceremonies.

Financial-services execs have bundled donations, and just 378 people raised 70% of the money raised through yesterday. Wall Street employees were the largest single source. A Lehman exec bundled $115,000, a Citigroup director put a $265,000 package together, and Goldman accounted for least $175,000. Congress approved $10 million in public funds for the event.
Source: Wall Street Journal

So, $10,000,000 from Congress, and $75,000,000 to reinburse states- $85,000,000 tax dollars.