The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94419 Message #2539822
Posted By: GUEST,misti
14-Jan-09 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cold index finger, diagnosis?
Subject: RE: BS: Cold index finger, diagnosis?
I was "google-ing" trying to find out why some of my fingers are cold and the others are almost oddly warm and ran across this posting. I know most of it deals with index fingers but for me it varies and on both hands. Today it is my left "ring" finger and my right ring finger and pinky. While my thumbs are very warm and the others are what I would consider normal. While the fingers that are affected changes with each episode, it is always the same scenario. Some freezing and others really warm while others are just average. As far as the color goes, while minimal, the cold ones are a more whiter blue than the average and the warm ones are more reddish.
I've had this going on for the last 5 years and I'm 29. I've recently (6 months ago) quit smoking and thought that I had read something one time about there being a diagnosed syndrome that was most always found in people in there 20's and that smoked.