The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2540051
Posted By: Barry Finn
15-Jan-09 - 06:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
The US has already reported that Israel has Bunker Busters but their request for more has been denied. (See any recent news caption)

Most of tghe dead are women & children (see any & all recent news coverage, from anywhere)

"on houses in densely populated areas"
"Houses being used to hide the tunnels that Hamas used to smuggle in those rockets, and arms, instead of the food and medicine their civilian population supposedly is dieing for the lack of."

So the idea is to bomb & level every house in Gaza
They're doing a good job of it!

They (the civilians) can't house what they don't have = food & medical supplies (against the Geneva Conventions & International Law)

So is every person living in Gaza a terrorist? That would mean the Israeli's are justified in killing every man, woman & child in Gaza?
Because that's what they're doing & it doesn't seem as if they'll stop untill they suceed
