The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80633   Message #2540326
Posted By: Anne Lister
15-Jan-09 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Folk artists who are pagan
Subject: RE: Folk artists who are pagan
Should I add here that I was once "outed" by the News of the World as a witch? Not that I am one, mind. The argument went something like "well, a lot of people in the audience were witches so she must have been one", as I recall. Which is an interesting take on audience/performer relationships. I'm off to sing to a local gardening club tonight, so that makes me a gardener (it's a fair cop) and before Christmas it was the Farmswomen's Guild (and no, I don't have a farm).
It was annoying, however, as the result of this article I lost a job working in a Catholic school - not that the headteacher would own up to that as a reason, mind you, but it was an odd coincidence to say the least.
Ho, hum.
