The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117757   Message #2540411
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Jan-09 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Any 'catters going to Presidents Inauguration?
Subject: RE: BS: Any 'catters going to Presidents Inauguration?
I don't think Obama's given you adequate cause yet to hate him as much as you seem to, Ake. ;-)

I think you ought to allow him a few months...or at least a few weeks in office before you take the gloves off and start throwing punches. He has not yet earned your disapprobation.

True, he is the leader of the most arrogant and vainglorious superpower in the world...but he can't help that. He was born there. Now he gets to be in the hotseat of hell for 4 years, and risks much in so doing. Give the man a chance. Give him the kind of chance you would wish to be given yourself, if you ever found yourself in a similar position.

Remember, you can still always despise him later...when he has actually had a chance to do some things in office that you can legitimately despise him for. Then think how much more emotionally satisfying it will be. ;-)