The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117757   Message #2540617
Posted By: akenaton
15-Jan-09 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Any 'catters going to Presidents Inauguration?
Subject: RE: BS: Any 'catters going to Presidents Inauguration?
Come on know I don't hate Mr Obama, you also know who runs America!

I was simply trying to temper Guest's euphoria with a little realism; there is much political naivety around at present, and I wouldn't like any impressionable mudcatters to leave this thread under the illusion that everything is going to be "all right" simply because the American media have elected a black man.

As I have stated elsewhere, we had our own Mr Obama ten years ago.
The election of Mr Blair was to usher in a period of "ethical foreign policy", instead Mr Blair shamed the electorate by following America into a half baked crusade to repair her damaged prestige.
That crusade used to be known as the "War on Terror", a phrase we seldom hear nowadays;it culminated in the horror of Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving Mr Blairs rhetoric in tatters, like the bodies of the dead on both sides.
Mr Blairs domestic policies were no better, when he left power the "rich poor divide" was wider than ever and the economy nearing meltdown.

Mr Obama is a supporter of the Capitalist system, just like Blair; and if things ever do improve in the financial sector, he will support de-regulation just like Mr Blair and Mr Brown did, because that is what his masters will demand!

And so the cycle goes on, the poor paying the tab till they can pay no longer....Ake