The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117757   Message #2540629
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Jan-09 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Any 'catters going to Presidents Inauguration?
Subject: RE: BS: Any 'catters going to Presidents Inauguration?
Well, Ake, until America stops being capitalist it will always have a president who supports the capitalist system, won't it? It's inevitable. It would be foolish to expect or demand otherwise. Yes, I know who runs the SySStem...the very rich run the SySStem.

In any case, I like a healthy mixture of capitalism and socialism in a society...which is what we more or less have in Canada and most of western Europe right now. I hope Obama will move toward a system more like that, but I won't be too surprised if he doesn't, because the powers arrayed against anyone doing that in the USA are enormous.

I figure he will either work with them fairly much as usual or they'll destroy him.

I would love to go to that inauguration, but I wouldn't want to put up with the crowds and all that, so I'll just watch it from afar.