The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2540890
Posted By: Bobert
15-Jan-09 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Yeah, ifor... You got the situation pegged... The only folks who support this insanity are folks with a dog in the race... No one else is suppotrtive...

This is beyond disgusting and repulsive... This is genocide... Israel is no better than Robert Mogambe...

I thinks it is time to pull the plug on this little failed experiement... Israel was proven it cannot co-exist with it's neigbors... It had one last chance when Hamas was elected in Gaza to show that it could swallow it's pride and show grace... Instead all we got was Israel trying to starve out the Palestianians in Gaza...

There was a reason that Hamas came into power... That reason is Israel...

No, given Israel's thumbing at UN resolutions and thumbing of international law, it's time for ther sane world to tell Israel to either fix itself or get the heck outta a region that it cannnot exist in...

There are really no other choices unless the Zionists can use a 60 year old rationale to convince the rest of the world that just nukin' the West Bank and Gaza is the right thing to do... Yeah, kind flies in the face considering what the Nazi's did but, hey, seems that this is about the only thing that will make Israel happy... But that happiness won't last... Lebenon will nikes next... Then Iran... Then Syria... Then, then...

Time for Jews to stand up agsinst insanity...

Time for non-Jews to quit cow-tieing to 60 years of guilt driven crap by the Zionists and stand up against insanity...

Time for a change...
