The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2541085
Posted By: Teribus
17-Jan-09 - 05:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Still asking questions but refusing to answer any put to you Guest ifor:

1.        What Zionist project would a one state solution signal the end of Guest ifor??

2.        Tell me exactly when it was that the Israelis rejected a single state solution??

3.        The Israeli Government stated that as part of the hand-over the settlers would be removed. Where are those settlers now Guest ifor?? Are they still in Gaza? Or did Israel keep its word??

4.        Hamas chose to end the "cease-fire" brokered by Egypt in June 2008, Israel wanted it to continue – TRUE or FALSE ??

5.        The responsibility for the safety of the Palestinians within Gaza rests solely with their elected "Government" and that is Hamas. It is up to Hamas to protect its citizens and act in their best interests to secure their safety, in exactly the same way it is the responsibility of the elected Government of Israel to safeguard and protect Israeli citizens – TRUE or FALSE??

6.        Between 2002 and November 2008, 3943 Mortar Bombs and 3702 Rockets have been fired into Israel from Gaza. During the last cease-fire, from the 19th June to 31st December, 505 Rockets plus 327 Mortar Bombs were fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip. Now can you explain exactly why you have never mentioned those attacks, which are indiscriminately targeted at Israeli civilians in any of your posts Guest ifor??

7.        Corporal Gilad Shalit was kidnapped on July 25 by a Palestinian militant group that included members of the military wing of Hamas. The militants tunnelled inside Israeli territory and captured the soldier after a firefight that left two people dead on each side. What was the tunnel being worked on by the Hamas militants on 4th November 2008 for Guest ifor?? Why were Hamas militants digging a tunnel from Gaza into Israel during a "cease-fire" Guest ifor ??

8.        Since the end of Israeli operations in South Lebanon in 2006 Guest ifor, can you tell me how many attacks have been launched on Israel by Hezbollah from inside Lebanon??

9.        The UN partition plan of 1947, which basically details a two state solution that the "Palestinians" are supposedly fighting for now, was accepted by the Israelis and rejected by the Arabs – TRUE or FALSE??

Now to answer your question Guest ifor:

"Teribus. Which part of the phrase "war crimes" don't you understand?"

•        For a start "war crimes" is a term not a phrase
•        If the subject of war crimes is to be raised it applies in equal measure to both sides

In responding to attacks upon its civilian population I believe that the Israeli Government and the IDF have acted in a measured and proportionate manner.