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Thread #109069   Message #2541219
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
17-Jan-09 - 08:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Prince Harry - What a star!
Subject: RE: BS: Prince Harry - What a star!
"everyone goes round calling him 'Your Majesty'"

That's not his fault. He may well hate it, cringe every time he hears it, we don't know.

"course he thinks he's better than everyone else. It would seem a pretty fair conclusion. amongst human creatures i am one majestic specimen."

Nope, that's your supposition, not fact. His mother went out of her way to get her sons to see the other side of life, taking them to visit the homeless, the AIDS patients, those far less fortunate than themselves, to try and get them to understand how privileged they were, and still are.

Harry and William do good things too, wld, but of course, those are hardly ever reported on.

"a lot of people on this thread seem to think he's got a right to say stuff that most people would get the sack for."

Then sack the whole damn army in every country in the world, because I bet they all say things about each other, black, white, yellow, red, brown or green, no matter where they come from, what side they're on. I bet they all have nicknames for each other too. Some will use those terms maliciously against 'their enemies', some won't.
Some will use nicknames for their mates that we 'out here' may consider odd, but we're not them, so how can we judge?

Again, unless you *know* the person concerned, were there at the time and know the feelings of all concerned, then you cannot judge this incident fairly.

"in fact go on Prince harry - abuse me please - it would really nice of you to call me something derogatory. It would really make this peasant's day, if you were to call me a piece of shit."

But he wouldn't, would he. And you know he wouldn't, Al.

All he's done is be a bloke in the army, same as any bloke in any army, in any country. He's been boiled in oil for it though because he's *Prince Harry* and there are those who hate the Royal family deeply and see this as another opportunity to get them out, or at least to throw all they can at them.

I see many posts in here filled with the same kind of hatred for people they've never met, the same kind of judgement poured upon complete strangers, which racists use against a whole ethnic group/family.

Perhaps the term 'Royalist' should have a new meaning, akin to 'Racist'?

And have we learnt anything from the Holocaust, Jim. Not a great deal, no. We still have armies, filled with youngsters trained to kill 'the enemy'. Do they call the 'enemy' nice names and therefore 'humanise' them? I guess not, otherwise they'd not be able to go out and kill them would they.

If you want to blame anyone, then maybe it's the fault of the army themselves, because they train people to kill other people. Get rid of that instinct, that training, and you're nearly there...

...until of course, you get invaded by another army who will kill you at the touch of a button.

How do we end it all? There is only ONE way to end Hate, and that is with Love.

Create armies of Peace. Create armies of Love....THEN go to war against Hate and you may finally have a battle worth fighting.